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September 28th 2020

David_Orr • September 28, 2020
Today’s Bible Reading is Psalm 56
The Light
Seeing the Tornadoes
But I did fight and I woke up in exhausted victory and at this moment I do have that peace. The preparation I did Saturday that I thought was for what I am writing now was actually for last night. I saw the storm coming and by the storm warning procedure God has put in me I prepared. I saw the Lightning and the thunder shook my soul and I understood the potential destruction from my safe spot. “He Hideth my Soul in the Cleft of the Rock.” We live in Tornado Alley and in 1968 and 1973 there were EF5 tornadoes that killed many. The later ones have had little or no death toll because we watch the sky and the news and prepare. Storms are a reality here and we know what they can do and we have our safe spots to hide. Spiritual Tempests like last night have their warning signs too, and we all need to study our personal weaknesses. Brother Shawn preached on worry last night and came to the main point that instead of worrying take it to God. Last night’s victory was completely procedural: I didn’t worry about there might be a battle because I trusted God. We learn how to handle the big things by letting Jesus be LORD in the little momentary things. Last night I had hints that my evil nature was about to show up and I took it to God. I am the only enemy that can defeat me: even Satan has to persuade me to surrender before he wins. It’s not like I haven’t weathered it before and God has taught me how to win. Do you have procedures in place designed by God to weather your own weaknesses? Satan studies you and finds the chinks in your armor and shoots at those weak spots: are they protected? The enemy that tramples you in verses 1 and 2 is you. 3 'When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. 4 In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me? ' Psalm 56:3-4 ESV Use God’s Light to be aware without being afraid: when you have done what God said why should you fear?

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