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August 25th 2020

David_Orr • August 25, 2020
Standing God’s Ground
STAND IN THE GAP! They say “all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing” and it is true. It is also true that good people turning into evil people to fight evil just turns the world into evil. 4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. 5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes. ' Proverbs 26:4-5 Satan’s OCD
God’s “OMNI’S”
God uses none of those ways but is always Rock Solid in His WAY. In Satan’s trying to twist and turn everything the wrong way God never is surprised or panics. God is Omniscient God’s plan has mapped every twist and turn that Satan could throw. It’s like a book already written where God already knows every sentence. Satan sees that he accomplished a victory against God but actually God has it mapped for Satan’s greater defeat. Remember I said Satan and his evil are like water that can flow only where it is possible. While I do not have the mentality or capability to handle that stress it is no stress to God. While I know next to nothing of what is going on around me; my God knows everything. Spiritual rationality then concedes I should just stand where God says because He KNOWS. God is Omnipresent So – the Seraph Serpent Satan took advantage of Eve when Adam wasn’t looking and deceived her. Adam wasn’t there but God was because the universe cannot contain God: He is everywhere and knows all. So old “Adversary” got Eve to do what God did not want? Remember Satan is like water and God made the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. We panic because things seem to go contrary to our plans and we think our plan has to be God’s. Satan had easy work with me as a young Christian musician because everything had to be perfect. I once broke a string on my 12 string before a special and I put my guitar in the case. We think when things deviate that God is somehow no longer there: He promised to never leave nor forsake us. So we have to grab hold of that verse and understand that God’s plan is right on schedule – Keep Standing! God is Omnipotent Satan looks at all the people he has destroyed and has yet to understand he has accomplished nothing. I know Satan saw God create most of creation because God does everything in perfect order. Satan was one of the three Archangels so he was created before the rest of everything. He saw all that and cannot allow the thought that God could have created him. He cannot give life to anything. When he tries to make it look like he did a creation will be indwelt by another creation to appear so. There has never been a deviation from God’s flow chart since before anything was. If love is not a choice it really isn’t love – it’s programming a machine. For there to be a choice there has to be an adversary or an opposite choice. God created Satan good but allowed him the choice so every creation would have the choice to choose to Love. So did God deceive Satan? No, Satan deceived Satan just as we deceive ourselves many times. Our faith takes a hit when plans don’t work or bring about what we didn’t expect: but God is still God. God is still El Shaddai – GOD ALMIGHTY! Be still and stand where He leads and watch and see the Salvation of the LORD!

Ridgecrest Blog

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