Blog Layout

September 16th 2020

David_Orr • September 16, 2020
The Light
Job was no stranger to the darkness because he had rescued many from its hopelessness. This chapter is about remembering how God used him to help others as he listened to his friends accuse him. I get what he is seeing all to clear because I have been there. Things have been so bad that I questioned why God kept me alive and I have questioned my Salvation. Like Job’s friends mine seemed to mock and scold when I needed a hug and a hand. Having to rely completely on God and His Grace taught me He is more than enough to see me through. I love people and I have an awesome church family but when I am in trouble it is God I seek. In my illness and inability to work my church family helped more than they can know: but I asked God. I have walked through the darkness by His Light and His Lamp has shined upon my head. But I have fought for breath in the darkness and pleaded with God to show me one ray of hope too. I have prayed for help and God sent someone to come along beside and help: but sometimes it’s just Jesus. Like a fight I was almost in once: there were 15 with the other guy and my friend had two. The other boy and I stood and watched our friends pass by and leave us to our fate. I have asked God to send me someone to help and in His wisdom he gave me strength. Why would God teach me so much about reliance on Him and not help me trust in others? How did Job survive the help of his “Miserable Comforters” (Chapter 16) and make it through on His own? If others are dwelling in relative happiness they are usually oblivious to your pain. If you have helped others and they see you enduring great suffering they will usually react out of fear. Like Job’s friends yours will take your calamity as a threat to their false sense of security. Should you ask other’s for help? You should always ask God first and if He leads you to ask others: be obedient. Remember that God is the only one that has promised to never leave nor forsake you. Your Light is Christ not your friends, your family or your church. God Knows How to Fix it
Pay Attention
Be aware of what your friends endure and help when they ask or when God says to. God doesn’t but in where He isn’t wanted and you shouldn’t either: but never be blind to others. I will not give you a tedious list of do’s and don’t s because those things vary with each situation. Let God show you what needs done and stay away from things He says avoid. The Light of God’s Word in you is for guiding you in the darkness and helping others through the darkness. Don’t neglect to feed your Spirit daily so you can be healthy spiritually to meet whatever the devil throws at you. Job was remembering and getting back in touch with what he already knew: Have you known God’s Light in darkness? God’s Got this and He won’t leave you.

Ridgecrest Blog

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Good morning and welcome to Ridgecrest Baptist Church! We're thrilled to have you join us for worship today. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a long-time member of our church family, we extend a warm welcome to each of you. As we gather together, let's open our hearts to receive God's word and His blessings. Thank you for being a part of our community of faith. May today's service uplift and inspire you as we worship and grow together in Christ. Blessings,
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