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February 13th 2021

David_Orr • February 13, 2021
Faith that Works!
The Boss Cow
We have 18 head of cattle on our little 20 acre cattle and chicken farm and that is too many. There are less than 14 acres of graze-able land and we have to get rid of some every year. 3 go into the freezer but it is becoming necessary that some be sold. They are like dad’s pets and they all have names and we do things for them that are at the limits of what we are able to do and sometimes beyond. They all got sick a few months ago because there is too much manure on the ground where the grass is growing. It was a bacterial infection that required antibiotics with a shot and worming from the vet and medicated feed. The first few days of feeding them every day they were all still sick and the violent behavior was minimum. After they got to feeling better I began seeing behavior that was upsetting to me. There is one black cow with 10 inch sharp horns that chases every cow she can away from her 12 foot trough. 3 12 foot troughs with 18 cows should be room enough and feed enough for everyone… RIGHT? She will have every cow chased off from her trough except the bull and see them eating from the other 2 and decide she wants the feed in the other troughs too. She’s fat and there are a few others that act like her that are fat too and then some are where you can see a rib or two. If we were a regular ranching operation the fat cows would go to the butcher. Yes we offset the cost of growing them by butchering 3 – 1 to 2 year old bulls for food every year but we had 3 cows die of old age last year. All 3 of us that work them now are retired and can’t afford to spend money without some return. We had 6 bulls born this year so the number butchered may increase or we may sell some. There is one of the few that doesn’t have horns that was injured in the food battle a few weeks ago. Her hind quarters were injured by boss cow and now she is separated from the rest with her own trough and a 1500 pound bale of hay just for her. She is getting better but it will be a long time before we put her back into that insanity. Watching all that fighting over plenty broke my heart because those soulless animals reminded me too much of human nature. Tomorrow is Valentines Day and it is supposed to be about love but like everything else it is full of that selfish mentality. James begins teaching on solutions in verse 7 which we will begin with Monday. I think it is a spiritually healthy thought to take a long hard look at our taking ways. Learn to loath your “Boss Cow” attitude which we ALL have by Nature. Without the influence of God we are all trying to founder ourselves and we starve others if we have more power than them. CEV says they “Couldn’t fight back” KJV says “he doth not resist you”. ESV says - 'You have condemned and murdered the righteous person. He does not resist you. ' James 5:6 Some have learned to depend on the Shepherd and take what He gives. In reality the Master designates the boss cows for slaughter because their oppression harms the others. Surely we can act better than cattle in a feed lot? Christians our Master Husbandman loves us and He provides enough for all that belong to Him. Greed is unbelief and oppression is faithlessness. This earth’s treasures are eternally worthless and Heaven’s treasures will forever be. Desire the best gift which is dwelling today with our LORD and Savior: Today is all that really is.

Ridgecrest Blog

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Good morning and welcome to Ridgecrest Baptist Church! We're thrilled to have you join us for worship today. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a long-time member of our church family, we extend a warm welcome to each of you. As we gather together, let's open our hearts to receive God's word and His blessings. Thank you for being a part of our community of faith. May today's service uplift and inspire you as we worship and grow together in Christ. Blessings,
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